Miles Per Hour to Metres Per Second Speed Conversion
Speed conversions between miles per hour (mph, miph, m/h, mi/h) and metres per second (m/s, ms-1, mps) are usually used for calculating speeds in scientific caclulations where metric units are required.
The conversion tables, below, offer a quick lookup to convert miles per hour to metres per second for commonly sought values or you can use our quick converter utility above.
Miles Per Hour to Metres Per Second Conversion Tables
mph | m/s |
1 | 0.45 |
2 | 0.89 |
3 | 1.34 |
4 | 1.79 |
5 | 2.24 |
6 | 2.68 |
7 | 3.13 |
8 | 3.58 |
9 | 4.02 |
10 | 4.47 |
mph | m/s |
5 | 2.24 |
10 | 4.47 |
15 | 6.71 |
20 | 8.94 |
25 | 11.18 |
30 | 13.41 |
35 | 15.65 |
40 | 17.88 |
45 | 20.12 |
50 | 22.35 |
mph | m/s |
55 | 24.59 |
60 | 26.82 |
65 | 29.06 |
70 | 31.29 |
75 | 33.53 |
80 | 35.76 |
85 | 38.00 |
90 | 40.23 |
95 | 42.47 |
100 | 44.70 |
mph | m/s |
100 | 44.70 |
200 | 89.41 |
300 | 134.11 |
400 | 178.82 |
500 | 223.52 |
600 | 268.22 |
700 | 312.93 |
800 | 357.63 |
900 | 402.34 |
1000 | 447.04 |
Other abbreviations that are sometimes used for miles per hour include m/h and mi/h.
The following conversion tables offer a quick lookup to convert metres per second to miles per hour for commonly sought values.
Metres Per Second to Miles Per Hour Conversion Tables
m/s | mph |
1 | 2.24 |
2 | 4.47 |
3 | 6.71 |
4 | 8.95 |
5 | 11.18 |
6 | 13.42 |
7 | 15.66 |
8 | 17.90 |
9 | 20.13 |
10 | 22.37 |
m/s | mph |
5 | 11.18 |
10 | 22.37 |
15 | 33.55 |
20 | 44.74 |
25 | 55.92 |
30 | 67.11 |
35 | 78.29 |
40 | 89.48 |
45 | 100.66 |
50 | 111.85 |
m/s | mph |
55 | 123.03 |
60 | 134.22 |
65 | 145.40 |
70 | 156.59 |
75 | 167.77 |
80 | 178.95 |
85 | 190.14 |
90 | 201.32 |
95 | 212.51 |
100 | 223.69 |
m/s | mph |
100 | 223.69 |
200 | 447.39 |
300 | 671.08 |
400 | 894.77 |
500 | 1,118.47 |
600 | 1,342.16 |
700 | 1,565.86 |
800 | 1,789.55 |
900 | 2,013.24 |
1000 | 2,236.94 |
Other abbreviations that are sometimes used for metres per second include ms-1 and mps.
Conversion Formulae
Miles Per Hour to Metres Per Second Conversion Formula
The conversion formula for miles per hour to metres per second is quite simple:
1 mph = 0.44704 m/s
This can be calculated by taking the conversion factor for miles to metres (1609.34), thus 1 mile per hour equates to 1609.34 metres per hour. Then divide by the number of seconds in and hour (3600) 1609.34/3600 = 0.44704.
Metres Per Second to Miles Per Hour Conversion Formula
The conversion formula for m/s to mph is simply the reciprocal of the miles per hour to metres per second formula:
1 m/s = 2.236936 mph approximately
To calculate this value take the conversion factor for metres to miles (1/1609.34 = 0.000621371 approx). Thus 1 metre per second equals 0.000621371 miles per second, so then multiply 0.000621371 x 3600 to get the metres per second to miles per hour conversion.